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#609                                               “I love Sonya refreshing gel cleanser
                                                      because since I started using this product,
       Sonya  Daily Skincare System                      the skin on my face has become really
       The Sonya daily skincare system contains four products to   healthy looking, clean and soft. Having
       meet all your facial skin care needs, each including    clean skin makes me more confident
       the power of aloe and select botanicals.        in myself and also makes me smile more.”
       This daily skincare system includes one of each          Popa Irina Elena, France
       product: Sonya Refreshing Gel Cleanser, Sonya Refining
       Gel Mask, Sonya Soothing Gel Moisturizer, and Sonya
       Illuminating Gel.
       0.341 CC
        GR: 106,66€ | CY: 102,36€

       #605              #607               #608               #606
       Sonya™ refreshing    Sonya™ refining    Sonya™ soothing    Sonya™ illuminating gel
       gel cleanser      gel mask           gel moisturizer    A combination of Asian
       Thoroughly clean your skin   Support the skin’s   With over 10 natural plant   botanicals, licorice root and
       without that tight feeling   appearance while you   extracts and oils, collagen   algae smooths and softens
       with this soft, rich lathering   sleep with botanical and   and amino acids, this gel   the complexion, helping
       gel, ideal for cleansing and   moisturizing ingredients that   moisturizer leaves skin   your skin glow.
       nourishing combination   brighten the appearance of   feeling refreshed and   28.3g / 0.089 CC
       skin.             the skin tone, promotes a   moisturized.   GR: 27,84€ | CY: 26,72€
       118ml / 0.094 CC  healthy-looking skin, and   59ml / 0.103 CC
                         nourishes the skin without
        GR: 29,40€ | CY: 28,22€   feeling greasy.   GR: GR: 32,22€ | CY: 30,92€
                         59ml / 0.094 CC
                          GR: 29,40€ | CY: 28,22€

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